Zhengzhong Jin


Research Interest: I have a broad interest in cryptography and related topics in theoretical computer science.

I am an assistant professor at the Khoury College of Computer Science at Northeastern University. I am a member of the Cryptography and Privacy Group and Theory Group. Previously, I received my Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University, where I was fortunately co-advised by Abhishek Jain and Xin Li. After that I was a postdoctoral associate at MIT CSAIL, mentored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. I received my bachelor's degree from Mathematics Department at Fudan University, and was advised by Yunlei Zhao.

Program Committee: TCC 2023, PKC 2024, CRYPTO 2024, TCC 2024.

Contact: zh.jin (AT) northeastern (DOT) edu, albusmath at gmail dot com.

I'm looking for talented students to join my group!



